We can all contribute with something. When we joini forces with our fellow humans, we can change the world for many people in distress.

Join in to help aid reach the victims of the earthquakes in Turkiye and Syria. Food, shelter and medicine wil be a life saver for many, as;

more than 47.000* has lost their lifes
and hundreds of thousands are sleeping on the streets

under extreme conditions.

* as pr 2023.02.17

We can make a difference if we work together, but time is short as conditions are deteriorating fast in the region. There is no need to discuss additional details here, everyone knows the status as media is covering the situation quite extensively. 

ReliefWeb is a humanitarian information service provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), here is their status pages:

Status updates: Türkiye/Syria: Earthquakes

Country spesific status:

Flash Appeal: Türkiye Earthquake

Earthquakes: North-west Syria: Flash Update No. 9

In addition to country spesific status updates; both pages have a download link to a detailed PDF report.


We need to support and donate to the organisations that conducts the risky, hard work in the disaster region. Find the organisation of your liking; click the donation link and contribute (if you feel some organisations are missing, feel free to forward the link to the donation page).

"एक् और एक् ग्यारह् हॊते है| - 工合" - unity is strength - work together.

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Shoutout goes to the musical influencers below - all of them with record high number of views and followers . Now it the time to do the right thing. It would be great to have these great and respected artists on board using their influence and musical strenght to encourage companies, organisations and  people around the world to take part in aiding the victims of the earthquake disaster.

The message have the potential to reach several hundreds of millions of people globally; using the power of the already existing YouTube musical videos. The possibility to reach so many people on the globe for one cause... it is fenomenal, imagine the impact it will have; think about it, it would set an expample and be a game changer.

Lets do it, folks.:

Roger Waters, USA/United Kingdom

Bob Geldof, United Kingdom

The Kiffness & Bilal, South Africa/Turkiye

Carabao, Thailand

Sek Loso, Thailand

Loituma, Finland

Santana, USA
.. and more..


Below is a short list of historical aid projects where great performers delivered iconic powerful messages:

  • Concert for Bangladesh (1971) – George Harrison, The Beatles, Bob Dylan and more
  • Gift of Song (1979) – Various, including ABBA, Rita Coolidge, Elton John and more
  • “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” and Live Aid (1984) – Band Aid, including Bob Geldof, Bono, Paul McCartney and others
  • “We Are the World” (1985) – USA for Africa, including Willie Nelson, Diana Ross, Billy Joel and more
  • “Sun City” (1985) – Artists United Against Apartheid, including Bono, Bruce Springsteen, Lou Reed, Peter Gabriel, and others
  • “Blackfella Whitefella” (1985) – Warumpi Band
  • A Conspiracy of Hope (1986) and Human Rights Now! (1988) – Various artists including Bruce Springsteen, U2, Sting, Peter Gabriel, and more
  • Live Aid (1985), Various artists including Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Bob Geldof, Phil Collins, Eric Clapton and more
  • ...and many other arrangements not mentioned here...

Donate to Red Cross Denmark
Donate to Red Cross & Red Crescent
Donate to Save the Children
Donate to UN World Food Programme
Donate to UNICEF
Donate to United Nations OCHA

Click to donate.
Hover over image for the organisation name.

Donate to World Food Programme
Donate to Islamic Relief
Donate to Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations

Your effort matters

Donate to Intl Red Cross intl Comittee
Donate to Red Cross Finland
Donate to Medico Intl
Donate to Docters without Borders
Donate to Qatar Red Crescent
Donate to Pland Børnefonden
Donate to IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
Donate to Folkekirkens Nødhjælp
Donate to Leger uten Grenser
Donate to The White Helmets Syria
Donate to World Food Programme
Donate to The White Helmets Syria

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Earthquake-Relief.org is not affilliated with any of the above people, organistaions on this page. It is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious initiative and have no financial bounds to the contributers or organisations etc in the project. The projects aim is to encourage strong voices to send powerful messages promoting donations, support and contribution. Everyone can to help out and contribute in the current life threatening situation for millions of people that is playing out right now. it's time to focus and do the right thing.

Who and why.

Earth-quake.relief.org is started by a small group of private citizens from different backgrounds, cultures and countries that feel we have to make an effort to help the victims of this tragic event. We have no financial or political interest in the project.

We want to raise awareness and focus around the situation. Everybody can play a role, share compassion and make a difference.

Not complicated, simple as that.

February 2023, Frederiksberg, Denmark
